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Hi everyone,
we just rolled a new update. Here's what we've changed:
That's it!
Today we're releasing a new content update.
While this one may not be as big as the others, it does contain some nice and unique stuff for you!
Continue reading to learn more about this update!
⇒ Armoire
The Armoire is a brand-new section of the STN Menu where you may store and quickly access all of your Armor Sets.
Armoire Slots can be edited using right click on the slot item. After that you may add up to 1 Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots to it.
When going back to the Armoire menu, you can see which armor pieces are in each slot and equip them using left click.
When being in the edit slot menu, you may also take a look at the slot stat overview, a nice little feature which shows you how many of each stat you'd be getting when having the armoire slot equipped.
Note: This feature only calculates base stats of items, stats gained from abilities are not included. It also ignores item requirements!
The Armoire comes with 14 slots unlocked by default, in case you need more you can unlock up to another 14 extra slots, however they cost Gold!
⇒ Dyes
Dyes are a new item type coming to SurviveTheNight!
They allow you give your armor a nice and unique design or color pattern!
There are two different types of Dyes: Alloys and Cauldron Dyes.
Alloys are non-customizable Dyes which will change your armor piece to a different material (e.g. Diamond Armor).
Cauldron Dyes are customizable and change the color of your armor.
With this update, we're introducing 14 different Dyes with 4 of them being Alloys and the other 10 of them being Cauldron Dyes:
Note: Drop Chances for most of the Dyes can be viewed in the Bestiary menu or other dye-related menus.
Most Dyes are not that common to drop as we want them to be something special.
Once you manage to obtain one, you may either choose between customizing it or just straight up applying it to your armor using the Petrified Anvil.
Once applied, the Armor Piece becomes dyed which adds a new symbol to its item name, as well as adding a piece of description to it showing which Dye has been applied with which modifiers on it.
If you want to learn more about Dyes, visit the Dye Master in the Main Lobby!
⇒ Dye Mixing & Dye Crate
As already mentioned, Cauldron Dyes can be customized.
All you have to do is to visit the Dye Master in the Main Lobby, put the Dye in the menu that you'd like to customize and apply up to two color blobs on it.
Customizable Dyes have two customization slots: One for color (Red, Blue and Green) and another for brightness (Black and White). You may only apply a maximum of one blob per slot, so you got to choose! But don't worry: You may always preview the Dye and how it'd look like with the blob applied. And if you don't like the blob, you can remove it from the Dye and apply another one!
Color blobs can be obtained from the Dye Crate, a new invention by the Dye Master!
You may find it right next to him and you'll need a Dye Crate Key for it to open and roll a random piece of loot.
Dye Crate Keys can currently be obtained from the following sources:
The Dye Crate contains various types of color blobs, as well as a new Dye and an upgrade item for an already existing amulet!
You may check out the loot using the loot overview menu in the Dye Crate.
⇒ Early Game Rebalancing
We've received a lot of feedback from you guys recently with most of them saying that the Early Game questline (Scarlett) is too long, especially in terms of Mining and Foraging.
So we've made some adjustments to it:
Foraging is the first major grind of the Scarlett questline requiring you to obtain the first Fox Axe, upgrade it two times and then grind for the sticks recipe.
Mining is another major grind of the Scarlett questline requiring you to obtain a Wooden Pickaxe, upgrading it to T2, grind Gold for the Banker and reaching Mining Lvl. 15.
All of these adjustments should make the grind through the Scarlett questline not as long and tedious anymore as it used to be.
We might make more adjustments to the Scarlett questline in the future!
Here are some more things we've balanced with this update:
Here are some more things we've changed with this update:
Here are some more things we've fixed with this update:
That's everything!
Enjoy playing. If you encounter any bugs, please make sure to report them on our Discord!
Hi everyone,
it's been a while since the last proper game update but we're finally back now that our performance is fixed!
Over the past 2 days we have rolled some game updates including the following patches/changes:
That's it for today, enjoy playing!
If you encounter any bugs, please make sure to report them!
Over the last couple of days, we have rolled a bunch of updates regarding the recent major content update.
Here's what we have done:
That's it!
Today we're releasing our largest content update so far!
Over the past few months we have been working hard to present you the following new content:
Continue reading to learn more about this update!
⇒ Foraging Skill
We are introducing a brand-new skill to SurviveTheNight: Foraging!
A lot of people have requested this, as foraging and logs in general became more and more an essential part of SurviveTheNight.
Foraging experience can be gained everywhere where you can chop down trees.
Similar to mining, depending on the block hardness of logs they grant between 1 and 15 Foraging experience.
Foraging experience can be obtained from various other sources as well though, here are some examples:
Alongside foraging, we have introduced 7 new foraging-related collections. While most of them are collections for already existing materials, there's one that should be new for everyone.
Collections not only provide new, very useful axes, but also new foraging armor sets and a bunch of new cool utility items!
⇒ Pigeons & Advanced Pigeons
While the dark oak area was pretty empty previously, it is now the complete opposite.
A brand-new creature has been added to this area: Pigeons!
Not only do they fly around during specific times of the day, but they also poop on the ground - just like in real life!
Upon killing them and when meeting certain requirements, you will be able to spawn one of the 4 new Advanced Pigeons.
Advanced Pigeons are MUCH STRONGER than regular pigeons, attack you and have some special attacks upon their sleeves.
As well as that, they are also immune to certain damage types depending on the type of pigeon you've spawned.
But surely you'll figure that out, right?!
⇒ Foraging Races & Plague Hunting
A while back, we've added a foraging-related area inside the forge building. While most NPCs had their proper functionality already, there's been one left in the dark until now: Danirie!
Danirie prepared some really awesome races for you. While she's waiting for you sitting at her campfire to finish your race, she's having a lot of fun watching you.
Nothing comes without a reward though, completing a race within the given time will grant you some new items as a reward. However, races do get more difficult and may require more gear the further you get.
Note: Currently she's prepared three races, but there may be more in the future!
Plague Hunting:
Plague Hunting is another foraging-related quest. While most other quests in this game are a one-time thing, meaning you get rewarded once and can only complete it once, this one is different.
Plague Hunting can be done once every 24h, resetting at midnight.
The Forest Guard needs your help. Recently, the forest has been infected with some sort of evil plagues, but he can't get rid of it just by himself.
Upon talking to him, he'll give you a spade allowing you to dig out forest plagues from infected grass blocks.
You may find 3 infected grass blocks all over the forest. Once killing all 3 daily plagues, you may return to the Forest Guard to claim your well deserved reward.
⇒ Amulet Central & Amulet Rework
Amulets so far have been pretty underwhelming, or atleast some of them (looking at the Striking Bee Plushie).
This is a reason among others why we decided to rework the current Amulet system.
Before, some Amulets would grant you their base stats, others would give you an extra perk and some others did both.
While they still do that, they now also do two new things:
Depending on their rarity, they now grant you Amulet Score - a new score system, that increases the power of all Amulets in your Amulet Bag.
Amulet Score also grants you STN Experience - 1 XP per Score!
Additionally, some of them have been equipped with a new property: Stat Points
While having Amulets in your Amulet Bag, they now grant you said Stat Points.
Depending on your Amulet Score, you now also unlock Stat Point slots - basically the amount of total Stat Points you may spend.
You then may spend all of your available Stat Points received from the Amulets inside your Amulet Bag on those unlocked Stat Point slots.
As well as that, the Amulet Score also unlocks Stat Point multiplier which boosts (or multiplies rather) all of the stats gotten from your assigned Stat Points.
If you'd like to learn more, make sure to also check out the brand-new Amulet Central building in the main lobby and talk to Zarathar.
Note: If you have empty Stat Point slots, you'll be notified upon joining any main lobby.
⇒ Shortbows, Arrow Types & Arrow Speed
Shortbows are a brand-new type of bow added to SurviveTheNight. These were added to make archer a bit more viable to play compared to melee or mage.
Just like any other bow, you may shoot arrows by rightclicking them. However, they shoot instantly!
As well as that, you may also use the bow when leftclicking.
Some of them have unique rightclick abilities, which takes your archer gameplay to a next level.
A basic version of the Shortbow is available at the Bowyer, while stronger ones are introduced further into the game.
Arrow Speed:
To add more variety to Shortbows and make some stronger than others without just adding stats, the fire rate of them is based on a new player stat - Arrow Speed.
Arrow Speed decreases the basic shot cooldown of your Shortbow and can be obtained from various different sources.
No matter if Stat Points, bows itself, armor, consumables or anything else, Arrow Speed is extremely important when playing around with Shortbows.
Arrow Speed as of right now can not be maxed out (100 Arrow Speed), this is due to balancing and monitoring Shortbows and how they integrate into the rest of SurviveTheNight.
If you'd like to learn more about Arrow Speed, make sure to check out the stats breakdown in your STN Menu!
Arrow Types:
While only the current basic arrow existed (can be bought from Bowyer), we've now introduced two brand-new types of arrows, each with different perks:
Arrow types can be swapped by rightclicking the Arrow Bag icon in your STN Menu!
⇒ Ruins & Alpha Wolf
A while ago, wolves started taking over a certain area of SurviveTheNight.
Right infront of the Spirals, they are now besieging the Ruins - a new area to SurviveTheNight.
While they can be used as an early to mid game Combat Experience method, they also drop unique loot and unlock 2 new unique collections.
Said collections contain a bunch of really interesting items which are completely different to other STN items.
As well as the collections, collected Combat Experience in that area contributes to spawning a new boss - the Alpha Wolf!
With its strong and unique attacks, it isn't a breeze and requires some strategy to be killed. Once killed, you may drop some cool and important items, one of them even being a new Consumable!
⇒ Wandering Trader & Instance-boosted Items
After traveling through different dimensions collecting various different items, the Wandering Trader finally scheduled some stops in SurviveTheNight on their tour.
The Wandering Trader will appear 4x per STN year in a random location in the main lobby, offering up to 8 unique items depending on your STN Level.
The current lootpool consists of 16 unique items:
These items range from low-priced utility items to high-priced armor and weapons.
As well as that, the Wandering Trader also introduces a whole new type of item: Instance-boosted items!
Instance-boosted items are special items that receive a stat boost when being in the instance connected with the item. Instance-boosted items have gray brackets behind their base stats which activate upon connecting to the item's respective instance.
Only the base stats of the item are boosted, stats added due to enchants or other modifiers will stay the same.
⇒ Dust Shops
Dust Shops are new skill-related shops, offering you permanent stat boosts or perks for the respective skill. Dust can be obtained from various different sources, here are the current available Dust types and their sources:
Some of these dusts also have some additional sources where you may get them from, however you'll figure them out yourself!
Dust Shop perks range from little stat buffs to adding a whole new perk to your profile.
Dust Shops also offer items you may buy from them.
Leveling Dust Shop Perks also grants you a small bit of STN Experience for each level depending on its cost.
⇒ Changes to Ability Token
While designing all the new Archer gear and Shortbows, we also designed some items such as wands and armor for mage.
With that, we added a bunch of new modifiers and items to make Ability Token regeneration time a lot quicker. Currently you only had the Ability Energy stat, which, depending on how much you had, would decrease the regeneration time by up to 75%. As well as that, you had the Thaumaturgic Fortification Star, which has a 50% chance to regenerate an Ability Token twice.
Ability Token were only available from leveling up your STN Level.
Here are the changes we made and items we've added to make mage a lot more viable:
We're monitoring mage and how viable it is with these changes and might adjust them.
⇒ Wooden Sword Questline
With this update, we're introducing the next 3 tiers of the Wooden Sword questline!
If you have a Stone Cleaver already, you can now go ahead and level it up even further to a point where it even gets its first ability!
We're not going into detail as to what you have to do to upgrade it, the sword will tell you the further you progress.
Current questline progress is at stage 6/15, more coming with more major content updates!
⇒ Black Market
Hi, this is Ronan.
I smuggled this text in here right before the changelogs went live hoping no admin will notice.
I have opened a new market below the actual market place. You'll find the entrance somewhere behind the Starter shop, it's a little bit hidden but I'm sure you'll find it.
Since the admins decided to base magic imbue all of the quest items, I decided to go ahead and rob them from the NPCs. So if you lost any of your quest items, I'll sell them to you if needed.
This is only the start, as more people get interested in the Black Market, we will be offering more and more content. So are you excited for some shady businesses? Meet me at the Black Market!
~ Ronan
⇒ Party System Revamp
As we're preparing for some other major updates, we've reworked the party system.
Before, it only allowed up to 2 people in the party, now you may party up with up to 20 people.
Among some overall improvements to the party system, we have added some other useful features to it:
In general, you may now prty up with more that just one friend. Dungeon queues still work the same, however you must not join any dungeon with more than just one extra person in your group.
This party system now also allows you to create public parties if you'd like to grind something in a specific instance apart from dungeons.
Here are some more things we've added with this update:
Here are some more things we've balanced with this update:
Here are some more things we've changed with this update:
Map Changes:
Here are changes to the map we've done:
Here are some more things we've fixed with this update:
That's everything!
Enjoy playing. If you encounter any bugs, please make sure to report them on our Discord!
Map Changes: