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⦅STN v2.7⦆ FEB 25th | The Spells & Early Game Update
Started by zProxxy



07 Feb 2023
Last Seen
06 Sep 2024


Today we are finally updating SurviveTheNight to a whole new version: 2.7!
This update was supposed to be a rather small update including a quest revamp and some balancing, it turns out to be one of the biggest update we've ever done though!

Let's go through the changes!


The STN Guide has finally received their own name: Scarlett!

Instead of just staying at spawn and giving you random quests, she now will actually guide you through the world of STN, go alot more into detail when it comes to important NPCs and what they do and she will give you many many more quests in general.

Just so you can imagine how detailed this quest is: Before the maxed STN Guide quest was at a value of 2. Now it's at 46!

Scarlett will walk together with you to different locations of STN, introduce you to their respective NPCs and give you a bunch of entertaining quests!
This quest will be something completely new, it should make STN feel a bit more alive!

Note: Even if you already completed the STN Guide questline before, you will have to do it AGAIN! You may use all your items though, so it shouldn't take long!


STN mostly relied on melee damage, which was affected by ⚔ Damage and ⚗ Force.
⌘ Ability Energy,
Ӂ Magic Damage and ☼ Explosion Damage have basically not been touched apart from the Absorber.

Therefore we decided to add a bunch of new Wands to the game! Wands are now a new item type, meaning they work different to melee weapons but deal a bunch of Magic Damage/Explosion Damage instead!

Wands can be obtained from many different sources: Events, Monster Kills, NPCs!



The Shroom area is a brand new area designed for early-game to mid/late-game combat!

This area contains 3 new creatures (scary shroomy monsters), each of them spawning in different places or under different conditions!

This area is mainly designed for early-game combat, therefore the monsters there don't give much combat experience.
However you may find creatures down there that have... let's say slightly more than 150 health!


We have added a whole new scheduled event to STN: The Winter Mining!
The event actually consists of two events: The Winter Cave Event and the Winter Mining Event.

Winter Cave Event:

This event is scheduled once every 5d 4h and lasts for 12 hours. During this event the entire cave turns into a winter cave. You may spawn 3 new winter creatures, obtain new ores and receive unique loot from already existing mining creatures.

Unfortunately the caves are frozen and the Obsidianized Drakgoo isn't feeling well there, so you cannot spawn it during this event.
Note: The new winter creatures spawn even without the Flying Monsters Mode, however chance of spawning them is much lower than with the mode selected!

Winter Mining Event:
At some point during the Winter Cave Event this event starts. It lasts for 1 hour and is an additional buff to mining. You have a chance to spawn 2x Flying Monsters, get more Digging Speed and Mining Fortune Efficiency and more!

If you want to learn more about the events, open your Calendar in your STN-Menu and click on "Event Descriptions"!


The Wooden Sword has received a complete rework.

You're no longer able to museum it, you're no longer able to buy it from the basic trader but are now able to buy it back from Jonah, a new NPC next to the Shroom area.

The Wooden Sword itself has been nerfed but it can now be upgraded 14x until it reaches it's very max tier which is extremely OP.

The sword now has a sword quest on it, which requires you to do certain things, kill certain mobs or infuse it with certain items.
Note: For this update only the first 3 tiers have been released, more will be coming with other major updates!


Consumables are a brand new item type: You may eat a limited amount of them to gain some STN Experience aswell as some cool permanent buffs to your profile!


These consumables can be obtained from many different sources, however they are overall quite hard to obtain!

There are 4 different consumables right now:

  • Timur's Burger
  • Incorrectly Configured Ice Crystal
  • Broken Heart
  • Deadly Winter Fruit

All of these consumables give STN Experience, slight stat buffs and some even some Amulet Bag Slots as we noticed it is kinda hard to reach STN Levels at a certain point to unlock more slots.

Since you may only eat a certain amount of them, you can now also check the amount of each consumable consumed in your Split STN-Experience Menu!


Zephyr has made his way into STN. Who is Zephyr? Well, he's a dude.

He's trying to complete his creeper orb collection, however he gave up on finding them himself. Instead he is looking for people to help him finding them and rewards them for every 5 orbs given to him with some really cool permanent stats and STN-Experience!

You are ready for it? Sure, go to Zephyr and he will tell you more about it.

You may view your progress on the quest and Zephyrs location in our brand new Questbook in the STN Menu.


Other things added:


  • Added a new player stat: ❤ Health
  • Added an amulet bag slot guide
    (You may now click on locked Amulet Bag Slots to open a guide which shows every way of unlocking new slots now!)
  • Added a new item related to Zephyr to Heated Rotten Flesh Tier 3
  • Added the Questbook
    • The Questbook is now unlocked by talking to Scarlett. It shows the 3 main questlines, your progress and you may even create temporary waypoints to their respective NPCs!
  • Added a Museum Reroll item to the Daily Shop
  • Added Next Page and Previous Page items to the Bank Storage Pages
  • Added item preview to Dungeon Item Upgrading
  • Added an extra ladder block to the diamond area in the mines
  • Added a UUID Check to items claimed from dungeons
  • Added an STN Exp Fixup
    • In case of any exp lost/you having more exp than you should have, this will now fix your STN Exp and set it to exactly what you're supposed to have.
    • In case any Amulet Bag slots are getting locked again due to a level decrease: Don't worry! The amulet will still be in the slot and simply just reappear when you unlock the slot again! 
  • Added a max. STN Exp amount to the Experience Menu
  • Added many new ways of getting amulet bag slots
  • Added a drop message to Ender's Pearls
  • Added two new ores: Ice & Malachited Ice Spike
  • Added Bestiary Unlock messages
  • Added new Utility Items tab to the Forger
  • Added a new type of anvil: Petrified Anvil
  • Added a Limbo Server System (AFK-Server)
  • Added a hologram above dropped items letting players know that drops can't be seen by other players nor picked up
  • Added a small kick cooldown on server reboots
  • Added Health Display below player names
  • Added new loot to the Overgrown Golem
  • Added 5 new amulets
  • Added 8 new items to the Collector
  • Added the Stroll AI back to creatures (They'll now walk around)
  • Added a new monster system which (finally!) allows us to add monsters that look like NPCs
  • Added a new Smuggler NPC somewhere...
  • Added a new Fisherman NPC somewhere...
  • Added some new security systems to staff members and staff-only servers

Balancing Changes:


  • Changed Dungeon Score required for S: 385 -> 365
  • Nerfed Obsidianized Drakgoo's Health: 600/400 -> 400/250
  • Potion effects now stay when switching instances, also their duration got increased
  • Made Not Spruce Tree soloable:
    • Slower Healing:
      • Life Steal Attack: every 3s -> every 6s
      • Health Generator Healing: every 8s -> every 11s
      • Health Generator Healing: 3 HP -> 2 HP
    • Slower Damage:
      • Life Steal Attack: every 3s -> every 6s
      • Tree Branches: every 3s -> every 6s
    • Less Damage:
      • Life Steal Attack: 3 damage -> 2 damage
      • Tree Branches: 4 damage -> 3.5 damage
    • Not Spruce Tree healing is capped at 133/266 health depending on the boss stage
      (These changes were made due to insufficient player base to actually make a world boss that requires multiple people as it has some important drops!)
  • Extended the duration of the Jungle Bridge: 10min -> 15min
  • Buffed the Overgrown Golem's Iron Bolt Attack
  • Inverted Monsters now have buffed stats (Health & Damage)
  • Made Inverted Monsters much rarer: 1/40 -> 1/120
  • Nerfed the Detection Blade: 4% -> 1.25%
  • Decreased the chance of spawning Enders
  • Buffed the Striking Bee Plushie
  • Buffed Unholy Ice:
    • Cooldown: 60s -> 10s
    • Effect Duration: 3s -> 5s
  • You're no longer able to damage other player's mining mobs with abilities
  • Renamed Double Drop Pickaxe Perk to Extra Drops
  • Buffed Extra Drops Pickaxe Perk: 50 Mining Fortune -> 75 Mining Fortune
  • Nerfed the amount of wood required for Lucián's Fox Axes and Sticks Recipe
  • Changed Inverted Burnt Ashes Collection Tier 4 from 2,000 -> 1,000
  • Changed Heated Rotten Flesh Collection Tier 4 from 2,500 -> 1,500
  • Odds for dropping Blood Fragments is now increased by the monster's level


Map Changes:


  • Added the Winter Cave
  • Added a bunch of new paths
  • Revamped the Shroom Area
  • Redesigned many buildings
  • Fixed alot of holes in walls/ground


Other things changed:


  • Dungeon Loot Chests now show the actual item and stats that you'd get outside of dungeons
  • Potions are now drinkable when aiming at a block
  • Completely changed the nametag design of creatures
    • Added different colors, added a heart icon for their health, added the monster's level
  • Made items still go into your inventory when they'd still fit instead of just checking for an empty slot
  • Rare Dropped items will now go directly into your inventory when they're stuck in a wall
  • Flying Monsters will now teleport to your location when they're inside a wall
  • You may now trade multiple Healthy Mushrooms at once
  • Changed Spirals Stickman location
  • Changed Inventory design of the Calendar and the STN Experience Menu
  • Made all Pickaxe Upgrade descriptions easier to understand
  • Dropped items on ground now despawn after 1min instead of 5min
  • Rare Dropped items on ground now despawn after 1min instead of 30s
  • Updated the dialogue of the Daily Quests NPC and made his english even worse
  • Changed Striking Bee Plushie to make it easier to understand
  • STN days now always begin/end at :20/:40/:00 IRL time rather than being random
  • The Calendar's upcoming events not only shows one of each event per STN year
  • Monsters now spawn even if nobody is in the region
  • Increased the AFK Timer: 5min -> 15min
  • Changed Event prefixes
  • Contugus is no longer stuck in a fence
  • Slowed down all of the NPC dialogues to make them more readable
  • Changed the color of Inverted Burnt Ashes to purple
  • Trading is now disabled once the server reboots
  • Extended Server Reboot duration when Jungle Bridge is built or Drakgoo is alive
  • Magical Fish is now a Consumable instead of a Utility Item
  • Changed some message prefixes
  • Changed the way databases work
    • They now store data when actually completing something instead just an overall save every 5min
  • Moved the Coming Soon NPC once again...


Other things fixed:


  • Fixed Guardian Fin not working properly
  • Fixed Shadow Defender's Shadow showing the wrong stats (Force instead of Damage)
  • Fixed swapping profiles and disconnecting wiping your profiles
  • Fixed not being able to upgrade axes when they're debarked
  • Fixed Overgrown Golem not damaging you when outside of the golem area
  • Fixed Wooden Pickaxe purchase only removing 150 Gold instead of 200
  • Fixed Bonnie's bridge not building sometimes (hopefully this time!)
  • Fixed Daily quests asking for 2 ores sometimes (hopefully)
  • Fixed NPCs having an empty hologram above their head
  • Fixed Healthy Mushroom Particles not being on ground but instead in the air no matter the y-level
  • Fixed the Absorber dropping multiple times from Saliva's Ghost Mobs
  • Fixed STN Hours last for 51s instead of 50s
  • Fixed some dungeon monster's health being displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed taking no fall damage below a certain y-level
  • Fixed some dungeon monsters not counting towards bestiary
  • Fixed Quest saying "Talk to STN-Guide" even though you have completed the quest
  • Fixed undamaged Greeater-Sko showing wrong HP
  • Fixed Obsidianized Drakgoo's loot being announced incorrectly sometimes
  • Fixed Jungle Bridge going into negative times
  • Fixed Prestiged Guardian Fin acting like a Magical Fish
  • Fixed some typos in Leander's Forgermenu
  • Fixed monster's hologram not being knocked upon death
  • Fixed Entity IDs in Dungeons
  • Fixed multiple typos


It is currently recommended to play in 1.8.9! You are able to login and play in higher versions, however our systems don't support higher versions just yet.
Playing on higher versions may cause some packets to not work as intended and you might see things differently, cannot interact with some things or might even get kicked from our servers!

We have updated databases to make them more secure! In case of any lost items, please create a bugreport with possible proof of you having that item.
If you can't prove it or you report it after 3 days+ we will not refund these items!



  • Map Changes: GGJay
  • Coding: zProxxy
  • Gamedesign: GGJay & zProxxy

That's it! Hope you enjoy the new update and as always: Please make sure to report any bugs you may find!

zProxxy · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago