Hello everyone,
over the past 24h we rolled some gameupdates with some interesting changes/patches:
- Fixed Dungeon Chest cost being displayed incorrectly
- Made Dungeon Chests alot cheaper (85% -> 20%)
- Fixed an issue in the recipe of the Red-Colored Redstone Helmet
- Made the Ore-plated set much cheaper
- It now requires 2 Oreplated Cobblestone per slot instead of 4
- Changed the way damage leaderboards for bosses work
- Previously they sometimes showed a player twice if they disconnected, reconnected and damaged again. That hopefully should be patched now.
- If you experience any other issues with the leaderboards please create a bugreport using /bugreport or using the section on our discord!
- Added titles to rare boss loot
- If you drop something cool it now shows it on your entire screen so you dont miss it!
- Fixed the forge sometimes wanting more items than it showed
- Fixed some issues with dungeon NPCs
- Fixed NPCs not showing their armor/item in hand
Thats it!
Thanks for all the bugreports and please keep considering using /bugreport if you find any!
Hopefully playing will now be even more enjoyable!