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Today we rolled another update to STN, let's go through it!
Quick information: This update was supposed to be an early game revamp including a new combat area, the STN Guide revamp and more, unfortunately we had to split this update into two parts due to unforeseen backend issues. The new combat area and STN Guide revamp will release at a later date!
Have you ever wondered which creatures in STN got which stats and which loot?
No problem, we got you!
The Bestiary Menu can be found in your STN Menu on the right side, next to the Amulet Bag shortcut!
Once opened, you may choose between 4 categories: Forest, Dungeons, Mines and Spirals
Each of these category contains their respective creature types.
In order to actually view the stats of the creature, you will have to kill the creature atleast once.
Bestiary data not only contains the loot you may drop from the creature, but also the odds for it, general creature's stats such as health and defense, how often you have killed the creature and how much skill exp you gain on kill.
STN ingame time is now officially a thing and is the same on each server!
The Level progress display in the scoreboard now has been replaced with the current ingame date aswell as the time of the current day.
Opening your STN Menu will now allow you to view the calendar.
By hovering over the clock you may now see all events happening on the current STN day aswell as the exact time on when they are happening.
Clicking on the clock will open up an event menu showing 7 upcoming events.
You don't know what the events do? Don't worry, you can find descriptions of all scheduled events in the brand new Event Descriptions menu!
You can read where the event takes place, aswell as what you can do during the event.
Note: There is currently only 1 scheduled event (Forest Storm Event), more will be added with upcoming updates!
Clicking on the clock in the events menu will open up the actual calendar. You can view the entire year with all its scheduled events aswell as our 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Information about the calendar system:
A day has 24 hours (12:00am - 11:00pm), each hour lasts for 50 seconds, therefore a whole STN day lasts for 20min.
There are 4 seasons, each season having 93 days (So don't worry if you see something like Summer (90th) in the scoreboard, that is intended!)
A whole STN year has 372 days and lasts for 5d 4h.
We decided to put more player stats into the game making damage calculations and other aspects of the game a little bit more interesting:
Player stats also have been reordered on items. Aswell as that only the core stats are being displayed in your STN Menu now instead of all of them.
Clicking on your head will now open up a menu where you can select a category of stats.
Other things changed/added/fixed:
That's everything! Enjoy playing!