Hello everyone!
This is a pretty small update for you but a huge one for us as we changed the entire game-code!
(Thats why this update updated the servers to a whole new game version but this changelog looks like a base changelog!)
In order to start working on the Spells-Update we had to change a bunch of code and with it we added a bunch of new features and abilities!
Unfortunately changing most parts of the code was vital in order to start working on the Spells-Update.
And as you might have guessed, changing code always means it contains new bugs!
If you find any bugs in STN 2.4+ please report them in our new Bugreport-Forum section!
Things we have added:
- Added the ability to kill mobs with nuke and magic damage!
- Officially added Nuke and Magic Damage to the game
- Added new animations to weakened mobs, Shadow Defenders and Summoners
- Added new admin commands to make testing much easier
- Replaced your health with your teammates health in the Duo-Scoreboards
- Added Stat-Symbols for every stat in the game:
- - Damage
- Ӂ - Magic Damage
- ☼ - Explosion Damage
- - Defense
- - Health
(We added those to make item descriptions look alot cleaner + we can now save alot of space on item descriptions by just using icons instead of the whole name)
Things we have changed:
- Completely reworked the game-code
- Changed the nuke cooldown being a global cooldown instead of just for one player
- Lowered every mobs health
- Changed alot of messages
- Changed boss messages
- Changed alot of sounds and titles
- Changed the way damage is displayed when hitting a mob
- Removed (Rightclick to pickup!) messages in chat, whenever you drop something
- Changed Antique Booster lore to be easier to understand
Things we have fixed (oh god this list is gonna be long):
- Fixed Armor Sets ignoring the 2-Piece-Bonus (always giving the stat boosts)
- Fixed everyone getting the sounds when someone used the Absorber
- Fixed the Soul Armor only working for one player in duo mode
- Fixed the weather cycle on the server
- Fixed some mobs not being able to spawn
- Fixed players being able to hit eachother
- Fixed not being able to kill any mob
- Fixed the Summoner Kill Animation
- Fixed Chests not generating items when first opened
- Fixed mobs spawning in extremely late when opening new rooms
- Fixed ALOT of bugs with the Horror-Zombie
- Fixed Salivas-Ghost-Quest DPS-Mobs not despawning
- Fixed being able to hit and kill Skeletons in the Salivas-Ghost-Quest room
- Fixed Slime Orb being invisible when finishing the 2nd Ghost Quest
- Fixed Absorber only dealing between 4 and 12 magic damage
- Fixed Amulets giving 2x their strength instead of 1x strength and 1x defense
- Fixed some mob drops dropping too often
- Fixed Amulet effects stacking
- Fixed RNG Improver decreasing the key chance instead of increasing
- Fixed Mob Defense not working on Tank-Mobs
- Fixed some sounds not being played
- Fixed being able to kill boss-mobs without them glitching the game
- Fixed Boss-Horror still holding the eye in its hand when cancelling the attack
- Fixed the Boss-Bar not being displayed
- Fixed the Blooddrop always showing the buff for player 1 in Duo mode
- Fixed some animation issues
- Fixed not being able to hit Soul-Slimes
- Fixed being able to move around the Compact Slime Crystal in your inventory
- Fixed being able to kill Ghost-Quest DPS-Mobs
- Fixed mobs not respawning in rooms
- Fixed an issue where Young Zombies would count as Tank-Mobs
Okay, thats it for today.
As I said alot of things have changed on our side but still a few things changed on your side aswell!
Hopefully most of the bugs are fixed now, if not considering reporting them in the Bugreport-Section in the forums!
Hopefully you like the new design and features of this update as they're included in the Spells-Update