Server Rules

This is our official server rules. Please read!

General Information

You are responsible for everything that happens on your account. DO NOT share your account details or personal information with anyone!
Bugs may be reported to a Staff member in our Discord server using the "Bugreports" section.
Reporting bugs helps us improving the user experience, we are very thankful for any bugreport! 

General Rules For: Minecraft Server, Forum, Discord Server
  1. Chat Abuse and Chat Spam
    Flooding the chat or forum threads in any way, using abusive language, being disrespectful in any way or spreading misinformation is prohibited. 
  2. Threats
    Threatening people, DoSing/DDoSing, harassing people, sending malicious links or sharing private information is prohibited. 
  3. Advertising
    Advertising any other third-party website, server, discord or any other social media is prohibited. 
  4. Account Sharing
    Sharing your Minecraft account or forum account with any other person is prohibited. 
  5. Giveaways and Trading
    Hosting or advertising giveaways, selling account details or any ingame currency is prohibited. 
  6. Inappropriate Content
    Inappropriate content and cosmetics, such as username, avatar, skin or cape ingame is prohibited. 
  7. Ban Evading
    Evading bans and punishment in any way (e.g. using a different Minecraft account) is prohibited. 

SurviveTheNight Rules
  1. Client Modifications and Cheats
    Any third-party software or client modification that give an unfair advantage is prohibited. 
  2. AFK Methods
    AFK methods are prohibited if any third-party software, glitch or hardware abuse is being used. 
  3. Multiboxing
    Multiboxing (playing on more than one account at the same time) is prohibited. 
  4. Account Boosting
    Boosting your account by trading items or currencies for real money or by trading items or currencies from one profile of yours to another is prohibited. 
  5. Exploiting
    Actively exploiting bugs/glitches is prohibited. 
  6. Gambling
    Providing or building any kind of gambling activity is prohibited. 
  7. Giveaways and Trading
    Hosting or advertising giveaways for accounts or buying/selling accounts, items or ingame currencies for real money is prohibited. 
  8. Hardware Abuse
    Abusing hardware in any way to gain unfair advantages (e.g. putting a rock on your keyboard or taping your mouse) is prohibited. 
  9. Scamming
    Scamming players (e.g. using the /trades menu) is prohibited.
    Players themselves are responsible for the outcome of the trades - we are not refunding! 


Breaking the rules will lead to punishment.
This may either be a mute ingame, a ban from the minecraft server, a full profile reset, a ban from the forum/discord or a combination of them.
Not having read these rules, ignoring them or not knowing about them will not prevent you from any punishment. 

© Copyright 2022 - 2025 SurviveTheNight. All rights reserved.