Today we're releasing a new content update.
While this one may not be as big as the others, it does contain some nice and unique stuff for you!
Continue reading to learn more about this update!
⇒ Armoire
The Armoire is a brand-new section of the STN Menu where you may store and quickly access all of your Armor Sets.
Armoire Slots can be edited using right click on the slot item. After that you may add up to 1 Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots to it.
When going back to the Armoire menu, you can see which armor pieces are in each slot and equip them using left click.

When being in the edit slot menu, you may also take a look at the slot stat overview, a nice little feature which shows you how many of each stat you'd be getting when having the armoire slot equipped.
Note: This feature only calculates base stats of items, stats gained from abilities are not included. It also ignores item requirements!
The Armoire comes with 14 slots unlocked by default, in case you need more you can unlock up to another 14 extra slots, however they cost Gold!
⇒ Dyes
Dyes are a new item type coming to SurviveTheNight!
They allow you give your armor a nice and unique design or color pattern!
There are two different types of Dyes: Alloys and Cauldron Dyes.
Alloys are non-customizable Dyes which will change your armor piece to a different material (e.g. Diamond Armor).
Cauldron Dyes are customizable and change the color of your armor.

With this update, we're introducing 14 different Dyes with 4 of them being Alloys and the other 10 of them being Cauldron Dyes:
- Seweric Dye: Can be obtained from Sewer Monsters
- Stone Dye: Can be obtained from Arkana the Dustbinder
- End Dye: Can be obtained from Enders
- Dungeon Dye: Can be obtained from Dungeon Loot Chests
- Gem Dye: Can be obtained by completing Daily Quests
- Alpha Dye: Can be obtained from Alpha Wolves
- RNG Dye: Can be obtained from the Dye Crate
- Ice Dye: Can be obtained from Winter Cave Creatures
- Infested Dye: Can be obtained from Forest Plagues
- Inverted Dye: Can be obtained by mining Inverted Burnt Ashes
- Diamond Alloy: Can be obtained by claiming items from the Forge
- Gold Alloy: Can be obtained by mining Gold Ores and Gold Blocks
- Iron Alloy: Can be obtained from Overgrown Golems
- Chain Alloy: Can be forged in the Forge
Note: Drop Chances for most of the Dyes can be viewed in the Bestiary menu or other dye-related menus.
Most Dyes are not that common to drop as we want them to be something special.
Once you manage to obtain one, you may either choose between customizing it or just straight up applying it to your armor using the Petrified Anvil.
Once applied, the Armor Piece becomes dyed which adds a new symbol to its item name, as well as adding a piece of description to it showing which Dye has been applied with which modifiers on it.
If you want to learn more about Dyes, visit the Dye Master in the Main Lobby!
⇒ Dye Mixing & Dye Crate
As already mentioned, Cauldron Dyes can be customized.
All you have to do is to visit the Dye Master in the Main Lobby, put the Dye in the menu that you'd like to customize and apply up to two color blobs on it.
Customizable Dyes have two customization slots: One for color (Red, Blue and Green) and another for brightness (Black and White). You may only apply a maximum of one blob per slot, so you got to choose! But don't worry: You may always preview the Dye and how it'd look like with the blob applied. And if you don't like the blob, you can remove it from the Dye and apply another one!
Color blobs can be obtained from the Dye Crate, a new invention by the Dye Master!
You may find it right next to him and you'll need a Dye Crate Key for it to open and roll a random piece of loot.
Dye Crate Keys can currently be obtained from the following sources:
- Dungeon Loot Chests (Silver and above)
- Alpha Wolf
- Not Spruce Tree
- Overgrown Golem
- Obsidianized Drakgoo
The Dye Crate contains various types of color blobs, as well as a new Dye and an upgrade item for an already existing amulet!
You may check out the loot using the loot overview menu in the Dye Crate.
⇒ Early Game Rebalancing
We've received a lot of feedback from you guys recently with most of them saying that the Early Game questline (Scarlett) is too long, especially in terms of Mining and Foraging.
So we've made some adjustments to it:
Foraging is the first major grind of the Scarlett questline requiring you to obtain the first Fox Axe, upgrade it two times and then grind for the sticks recipe.
- Changed price of Basic Fox Axe: 32x Barkless Birch Log -> 8x Barkless Birch Log
- Changed price of Oaked Fox Axe: 32x Birch Log -> 24x Birch Log
- Changed price of Reinforced Fox Axe: 128x Oak Log -> 48x Oak Log
- Changed price of Recipe: Sticks: 32x Birch Log/Oak Log/Spruce Log -> 16x Birch Log/Oak Log/Spruce Log
Mining is another major grind of the Scarlett questline requiring you to obtain a Wooden Pickaxe, upgrading it to T2, grind Gold for the Banker and reaching Mining Lvl. 15.
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 100: 5min -> 1min
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 200: 15min -> 5min
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 300: 30min -> 15min
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 400: 60min -> 30min
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 500: 2h 30min -> 60min
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 600: 5h -> 2h
- Adjusted Forge Time for Pickaxer 700: 6h -> 5h
All of these adjustments should make the grind through the Scarlett questline not as long and tedious anymore as it used to be.
We might make more adjustments to the Scarlett questline in the future!
Here are some more things we've balanced with this update:
- Nerfed the recipe for Ambitious I enchanted books:
- 96x Compact Birch Log -> 24x Compact Birch Log
- 4x Omega Bat Skin -> 2x Omega Bat Skin
- 4x Compact Pigeon Feather -> 3x Compact Pigeon Feather
- Increased the activation radius of the Homing enchantment by 50%
- Buffed Ash Master Armor:
- Added +35 Defense per piece
- Added +150 Digging Speed per piece
- Speed Stat: 30% per piece -> 15% per piece
- Removed "Ash Master" ability:
- +0.5% higher chance for Detection Blades to find Inverted Burnt Ashes per piece worn
- 33% chance for Ash Blocks to double drop
- Added "Time Extension" ability (Piece-Bonus):
- Inverted Burnt Ashes spawned by you last 5s longer
- Added "Detector" ability (2-Piece-Bonus):
- Each piece worn will buff your Detection Blade's chance to find Inverted Burnt Ashes by 0.5%
- Added "Speedy Mining" ability (2-Piece-Bonus):
- Gain 2 Digging Speed for every Speed you have
- Added "Ash Maniac" ability (Full Set-Bonus):
- Doubles the odds of an Ash Block turning into a better variant
- Grants a 50% chance for Ashes Blocks to double drop
- Buffed Pigeon Mastery Armor:
- Damage Stat: 30 per piece -> 35 per piece
- Defense Stat: 35 per piece -> 40 per piece
- Renamed "Unpierce the Lasers" ability to "Pigeon's Master"
- Pigeon's Master ability now grants 25 Defense against Advanced Pigeons
- Changed the Crafting Recipe for Ash Master Pieces:
- Helmet: 2x Infiniburn Coal -> 8x Infiniburn Coal and 1x Compact Inverted Burnt Ashes -> 2x Compact Inverted Burnt Ashes
- Leggings: 4x Infiniburn Coal -> 8x Infiniburn Coal
- Boots: 3x Infiniburn Coal -> 4x Infiniburn Coal
- Buffed Mega Potion's durations:
- Base Version: 15min -> 30min
- Extended Version: 30min -> 1h 15min
- Slightly lowered the odds of Inverted Burnt Ashes turning into Polished Ashes and Polished Ashes into High-Quality Ashes so they work better with the Ash Master's Ash Maniac ability
Here are some more things we've changed with this update:
- Melac Staff's Fire Cage's particles now have a slight offset to the right so they don't block your vision
- Note: This is just a visual change, the actual mechanic behind it stays the same!
- Replaced Rabbit's Foot with Dye Crate Key in the Legendary Dungeon Loot Chest's loot table
- Mega Potions are now their own Potion type
- Note: They still work as before, however instead of listing every single Potion effect in the menu and upon expiring, it just says "Mega Potion".
- Changed the texture of the Liquified Healthy Orb
- Changed Ash Master Armor's and Detection Blade's rarity from Incredible to Epic
- Moved menus in STN Menu which are unlocked by Amulets to a separate sub-menu (e.g. Bank Menu)
- Removed an outdated rule from the SurviveTheNight Information menu saying "You can't drown"
- Fixed very low numbers being displayed incorrectly:
- This mainly affected drop chances, any drop chance below 0.01% would just be displayed as 0%
- Removed unnecessary 0s at the end of floating numbers:
- Examples: 5.00% -> 5%, 0.50% -> 0.5%
- Changed "Inverted Burnt Ashes" in item descriptions from gold to dark purple
Here are some more things we've fixed with this update:
- Fixed Not Spruce Tree still scheduling attacks on nearby players when it despawned due to time limit
- Fixed Maniac Miner dust shop perk not working as intended
- Fixed Multiblocks Tier 1, 2 and 3 not working as intended
- Fixed Stacked enchantment dealing 100x as much damage as it's supposed to deal
- Fixed Projectile Protection enchantment not giving defense against projectiles
- Fixed Fire Protection enchantment giving defense against both, fire and projectiles
- Fixed Slime Helmet being 3x as rare as it should be from Sealed Dungeon Loot Chests
- Fixed not being able to drop a Glowing Torch as "Player 2" from Legendary Dungeon Loot Chests when playing Duo-mode
- Fixed an issue with backend systems breaking some menus
That's everything!
Enjoy playing. If you encounter any bugs, please make sure to report them on our Discord!
- Crate Mechanic: GGJay & zProxxy
- Everything else: zProxxy
- Dyes: GGJay & zProxxy
- Armoire: zRelt, GGJay & zProxxy